The Group of Companies “Fire Union” systematically conducts works on introduction of outsourcing in the field of fire safety. We develop programs to bring objects of any complexity into the proper fire-fighting condition. Thus, we develop almost all types of fire prevention activities that include:
Equipment supply, maintenance of fire extinguishers and fire protection equipment, installation and repair of fire elimination systems of any complexity, fire safety audit, training in the field of fire safety, development of all project documentation and special technical conditions, etc.
Within the framework of educational activities in the educational center "Prometheus" created by us, you and the specialists of your organizations and departments can be trained on the following programs:
Section 1. Training.
1.1. Minimum fire safety requirements (mandatory in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Emergency Measures of the Russian Federation of 12 December 2007 No. 645 "On Approval of Fire Safety Standards" Training in fire safety measures for employees of organizations "
1. Minimum fire safety requirements (MFSR-20)
2. Minimum fire safety requirements (MFSR-40)
3. MFSR for executives and responsible for fire safety in establishments (offices)
4. MFSR for responsible for fire safety of newly constructed and reconstructed facilities
5. MFSR for executives and responsible for fire safety in organizations dealing with trade, public catering, depots and warehouses
6. MFSR for workers engaged in fire hazardous work
7. MFSR for workers engaged in gas-arc welding and other fire works
8. MFSR for Heads of Explosive Production Divisions
9. MFSR for employees, performing round-the-clock protection of organizations, and Security Units executives.
10. MFSR for executives and those responsible for fire safety of agricultural organizations
11. MFSR for executives and those responsible for fire safety of pre-school and secondary schools
12. MFSR for executives and those responsible for fire safety of consumer services organizations
13. MFSR for executives and those responsible for fire safety in hospitals
14. MFSR for executives and those responsible for fire safety in entertainment and cultural and educational institutions
15. MFSR for executives and those responsible for fire safety in residential buildings
16. MFSR for executives and those responsible for fire safety in hazardous industries
17. MFSR for drivers of fire trucks and motor pumps.
18. MFSR for executives and those responsible for fire safety in suburban health institutions for children and adolescents
1.2. Training according to the programs for carrying out works subject to licensing by the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Russia.
1. Design, installation, maintenance and repair of fire safety of buildings and constructions, including dispatching and commissioning
2. Installation, maintenance and repair of fire-extinguishing systems and their components, including dispatching and commissioning
3. Installation, maintenance and repair of fire and security systems and their components, including dispatching and commissioning
4. Installation, maintenance and repair of fire prevention water supply and its components, including dispatching and commissioning
5. Installation, maintenance and repair of smoke removal system and its components and smoke removal ventilation including dispatching and commissioning
6. Installation, maintenance and repair of fire warning and evacuation systems and its components including dispatching and commissioning
7. Installation, maintenance and repair of photo luminescent evacuation systems and their elements.
8. Installation, maintenance and repair of fire curtain and screen including dispatching and commissioning
9. Installation, maintenance and repair of aperture filling of fire-resisting barrier
10. Installation, repair, coating, heat protection; cleaning of stoves, fire places and other installations and chimneys
11. Fire protection of materials, products and constructions
1.3. Extinguishing fires
1. General program for training on specialization "Fire elimination", 88 hours
2. Forest fires elimination
3. Elimination of fires in the countryside
4. Peat fields fire elimination
5. Elimination of fires in wood processing organizations
6. The head of fire elimination group
7. The driver of the fire engine
8. Fire truck driver
9. Manual on fire elimination in human settlements, at industrial facilities
10. Maintenance and operation of fire trucks, the elimination of fires and emergencies
11. Specialist of gas and smoke protection service
12. Manual on fire elimination in settlements, industrial facilities (for the category of the chief guard)
13. Special training for firefighters
14. Training personnel of voluntary brigades
15. Training on fire elimination means for employees of fire protection departments
1.4. Civil defense and Russian Unified System of Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations, for those who concerned.
1. Civil defense and Russian Unified System of Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations, for those who concerned.
2. Civil defense and Russian Unified System of Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations, for those who concerned. Presiding Commissioner (Emergency Situation Commission).
3. Education for Contingency Rescue Crew personnel
1.5. Certification
1. Expertise in certification of products and services
2. Methods for determining the fire hazard parameters of substances and materials on test equipment ("Tester")
1.6. Radiation monitoring
1. Radiation safety. Dosimetric and radiation monitoring. Instrumental control and assessment of working conditions when working with sources of ionizing radiation
2. Conducting radiation monitoring in banks and credit institutions when carrying out banking operations with banknotes
1.7. Labour protection
1. Labour protection, 40 hours.
2. Labour protection. Work at height.
1.8. Training of experts to conduct Independent Fire Risk Assessment
1.9. Advanced training for educational institutions
1. Fire safety (for teachers)
2. Antiterrorist protection of educational facilities
3. Labor protection
Training on electrical safety (1,2,3,4 tolerance groups)
Advanced training for design and construction self-regulatory organizations.
Section 2. Refresh training of specialists in the following areas:
1. Initial training on the program "Firefighter", including gas and smoke protection service, 360 hours.
2. Tester, 360 hours.
3. Certification expert, 144-360 hours.
The necessary programs are coordinated by the relevant authorities, which do not create obstacles for obtaining relevant certificates and licenses, thus, avoiding problems with supervisory authorities. We carry out our activities on the basis of licenses and relevant accreditation certificates. A flexible approach in the work allows us to meet the needs of the most demanding customer.
Audit in the field of fire safety and independent fire risk assessment is carried out by our group of companies on the basis of LLC "Enevan", appropriately accredited in EMERCOM of Russia for carrying out such types of work.
A great number of works confirms the fact that our organization is one of the best for implementation of an independent fire risk assessment.
The peculiarity of our work is the functioning of our own laboratory, accredited in the Certification System. This allows us to do not just a superficial firefighting audit with inspection of fire protection systems and means, but also to conduct more in-depth studies to determine the operability of systems and the quality of fire retardants.
On the basis of our educational center the lectures on fire safety audit are constantly conducted, where we tell how to conduct audit, what options are available for fire risks calculation, in which cases you can manage safe assets by regulating independent fire risk assessment.
The Group of Companies “Fire Union” offers you to call us when selecting organization to conduct independent fire risk assessment! We assure you that our expert will be at the office and will answer all your questions.
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