Evacuation is an immediate and urgent movement of people away from the threat or actual occurrence of a hazard.
The group of companies "Fire Union" carries out emergency evacuation assessment for the objects of any type.
What is emergency evacuation assessment?
This is an obligatory document or a mandatory part of the fire risk. Emergency evacuation assessment is compulsory for buildings and constructions, where 10 or more people are on the same floor at the same time.
Emergency evacuation assessment is developed taking into account the peculiarities of a particular object.
There are such features of evacuation as:
· Threats, emanating not only from an open flame, but also from the products of combustion: heat, smoke, allocation of toxic substances, the threat of collapsing constructions.
· The process of movement, starting in one direction (towards the exits) has a higher density and is often accompanied by physical effort and panic.
Evacuation becomes safe if it occurs before fire hazards begin to have impact on a person.
Thus, any organization needs emergency evacuation assessment for the safe evacuation.
The tasks of emergency evacuation assessment
1. Evacuation before the occurrence of limiting values of hazardous factors of fire.
2. Unhindered movement (movement to the exits without formation of traumatic densities, guaranteed bandwidth of evacuation routes and exits).
Emergency evacuation assessment requires special knowledge, therefore, can only be performed by qualified specialists.
The group of companies "Fire Union" will undertake the necessary calculations in accordance with all applicable regulations and characteristics of a particular object.
How to calculate the evacuation and the time required for it?
Calculation steps:
1. Setting the goals:
· Ensure the specified time people leave the building.
· Define evacuation capacity of the building.
· Guarantee safe movement of people at a mass movement, including humans flux density.
· Calculate fire risks during evacuation.
· Establish the need for any additional application of fire protection.
2. Determination of the number of people staying in the building, and the most probable ways out.
3. Geometrical measurements of ways out.
4. Calculation of parameters of movement of people in the zone of danger.
5. The choice of the most likely ways of movement of people.
6. Comparison of the received parameters with the norms that regulate the evacuation of people in case of fire.
Calculation of evacuation time is a compulsory part of the Emergency evacuation assessment.
This is the safety factor (which is equal to 0.8) multiplied by the critical fire duration.
Evacuation time is calculated from the time that a person sends on the movement from the most distant (from the exit point) part of an object.
Highly qualified experts of the Group of companies "Fire Union" have all the necessary permits to conduct evacuation assessment.
In the shortest time possible we will develop the document that fully complies with all current applicable regulations. The price for emergency evacuation assessment is 5000 rubles, depending on the complexity of an object.
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