Fire safety Declaration is a document of a strictly defined form, established by the Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
The purpose of the Declaration is to prevent ignition and save lives in case of fire.
Tasks of the Declaration:
· To answer the question: whether an object complies with fire safety standards.
· Commitment to fire safety requirements, standards and guidelines, according to which assessment of the actions of the officers in case of emergency would be evaluated.
· Prevention of unauthorized use of buildings and equipment, compliance of constructions to the project documentation.
Primarily, the development of fire safety Declaration concerns the objects of a high-risk class.
The following objects must be declared:
· Nurseries, pre-schools and boarding houses.
· Objects for agricultural purpose and having a commercial value
· Nursing homes, hospitals, sanatoriums, rest homes, camps, tourist and sports complexes, homes and apartments
· Storages for chemical and explosive products
· Special premises (spent nuclear fuel storage, etc.)
Who is responsible for development of the Declaration?
· Developer.
· A person responsible for fire safety (on the operating object).
· In case of his absence - the owner of the building.
The Declaration requires the systematic adjustment depending on the changes, that take place in the facility.
The group of companies "Fire Union" is ready to take on all the works on development of the Declaration and passing it to the corresponding authorities Cost of works starts from 8 rubles per m2 ,but not less than 5 000 rubles for the object.
What is included in the Declaration?
The document consists of three main sections.
1. fire risk assessment.
This section is mandatory for the sites where there are deviations from the applicable fire safety standards.
Note. Fire risk assessment can be conducted only by organization that has the appropriate accreditation.
The group of companies "Fire Union" is accredited by the Ministry of Emergency Situations and other organizations, supporting the right to conduct fire risk assessment.
2. Evaluation of possible damage to the property of third parties.
If the facility has no tenant, the section is not filled. If there are tenants, the section should indicate the value of their property, which may suffer in case of fire.
Note. The section specifies the approximate damage to property, not health.
3. The list of the federal laws on technical regulations and normative
documents on fire safety, implementation of which is provided to protect the site.
In this section, you must specify all the regulatory and legislative acts, that must be followed at this facility.
Note. The person, who drafted and signed the Declaration, bears full responsibility for the accuracy of all of the above provisions.
The group of companies "Fire Union" develops the Declaration, according to the characteristics of the object and the existing regulations. We take full responsibility for the information recorded in the sections of the Declaration.
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