According to calculations, establishment of the system of engineering buildings and structures monitoring, involving the unified duty-dispatch services of the city, reduces 15% of the risk of emergencies and irretrievable loss of population and 20% of material losses.
The minimum requirements for the system of engineering buildings and structures monitoring are developed according to the All-Russian civil defense and emergencies research institute of Emergency Control Ministry of Russia" (federal science and high technology center) and are outlined in the project document “System of engineering buildings and structures monitoring. General requirements.”
One of the most important requirements: Only the companies, licensed by the Ministry of Emergency Situations, have right to develop and assemble System of engineering buildings and structures monitoring.
System for montoring and control of engineering systems of buildings and structures: goals, objectives, particularities.
System for montoring and control of engineering systems of buildings and structures is an automated system that ensures automatic monitoring and the prevention of accidents, fire, emergencies regardless of operation of the facility. It is associated with the unified duty-dispatch services of the city.
It is designed to do the following in the real time:
· To monitor automatically the compliance with the operating mode of all systems, processes, engineering constructions of production.
· To inform duty personnel on the pre-emergency condition or the risk of emergencies.
· To provide continuously the unified duty-dispatch services of the city with the information, necessary for emergencies prevention and containment, reduction of losses (both human and material).
· To ensure reliable communication between employees of emergency rescue, fire-fighting and rescue units and staffs during the liquidation of the consequences of on-site accidents, fires, emergencies, including those caused by terrorist acts.
Objective: Reduction of the threat of emergencies, human and material losses in case of emergency situation.
Why should you order the establishment of the system of engineering buildings and structures monitoring in the Group of Companies “Fire Union”?
The Group of Companies “Fire Union” is a licensed company, which works in close cooperation with the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, has all the necessary permits, approvals and certificates for the development and installation of the system of engineering buildings and structures monitoring and control.
· Our experts cooperate with the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Russian technical supervision, so they know exactly what requirements the system of engineering buildings and structures monitoring and control must comply with.
· You receive a project based on the correct choice of operating schemes and components. This allows you to ensure smooth functioning of the system for many years, regardless of the growth of the enterprise.
· We carefully adhere to the prices and terms specified in the contract.
You get the following:
· The system of engineering buildings and structures monitoring and control, working in full compliance with the regulations, laws and regulations.
· Confidence in reducing the number of accidents and the amount of loss in the event of their occurrence.
· We will help you collect and develop all the necessary documents.
· Significant cost savings: we only use high-quality equipment that can operate many years.
· Reduction of:
ü the number of accidents on the man-made objects;
ü the number of victims of accidents and damage to property;
ü insurance costs up to 60%;
· Increase in the coefficient of readiness of all facility systems in case of emergency situations of technogenic character for up to 0.3-0.5 units.
· Information and legal support from the beginning of the system design to its approval.
Take advantage of cooperation with the Group of Companies “Fire Union”. Profitable, reliable, verified.
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