Currently, temporary infrastructure facilities are widely used, including: modular structures (mobile structures consisting of block containers, cabins, trailers), prefabricated tents, canopies and fabric tents used for public purposes and storage.
These structures are not subject to the provisions and requirements of Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation, approved by Resolution of the Russian Government from April 25, 2012 № 390 (with the exception of temporary buildings and structures that relate to specially constructed or adapted for the construction of industrial, storage, auxiliary, residential and public buildings and structures required for construction and installation works and maintenance of construction workers), Federal Law of July 22, 2008 №123-FZ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements", as well as regulatory documents developed for its improvement (Code of Rules).
Considering the foregoing and in accordance with Art. 11 and 17 of the Federal Law of December 27, 2002, No. 184-FZ "On Technical Regulation", for such category of objects it is necessary to develop the standard of organization (enterprise) for improving the level of safety of citizens` life and health, property of individuals and legal entities, state and municipal property and facilities, taking into account the risk of emergencies of natural and man-made character, as well as raising the level of environmental safety, safety of life and health of animals and plants.
The procedure for developing, accounting (approval and registration in the Federal body), changing and repealing the standards of organizations (enterprises) is established in accordance with the provisions of art. 12 of the Federal Law of December 27, 2002, No. 184-FZ "On Technical Regulation".
The following fire safety requirements and measures are envisaged:
- "Requirements for the general plan for the design and deployment of temporary structures";
- "Requirements for external fire-fighting water supply and placement of fire hydrants";
- "Requirements for indicators of fire hazard of elements and units of temporary structures, depending on the area of their application";
- "Requirements for fire resistance of temporary structures by the area, height and function";
- "Requirements for space-planning solutions";
- "Requirements for ventilation systems, heating systems and devices operating on liquid fuel";
- "Electric heating";
- "Requirements for the equipment of temporary structures with automatic fire alarm systems";
- "Requirements for internal fire extinguishing system based on structural and functional characteristics of temporary structures";
- "Requirements for providing of temporary structures with warning and control system for people evacuation";
- "Requirements for electrical equipment, taking into account the structural and functional features of temporary structures";
- "Measures to ensure effective action of firefighters and rescuers."
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