What is fire audit?
· Independent fire risk assessment
· A set of activities designed to systematically examine the object and maintain its fire safety.
· A forms of compliance of fire safety of buildings with fire safety requirements.
· A document, necessary to obtain conclusions about the current fireproof state of a specific object.
The Group of Companies “Fire Union” thoroughly considers all engineering systems, other communications and equipment, as well as carries out works, defines and conducts all the necessary periodic tests.
The main aims of fire audit:
· Collect relevant information about the real state of a particular object.
· Discovering of possible causes and factors of fire, its origin, development, impact.
· Establishing the degree of compliance of a facility with established standards and requirements.
The Group of Companies “Fire Union” has its own accredited laboratory, that allows to gather information correctly, identify the threatening factors, put the object to a state of compliance with fire safety requirements.
Important: the auditor's report helps the owners to understand the present situation, the degree of readiness of the object for commissioning and regulatory compliance.
The bodies of the state fire supervision register the Report on the independent fire risk assessment on a mandatory basis.
When fire audit is carried out?
Audit is needed if:
· In case of inconsistencies between the actual state of the object and fire safety requirements.
· The object needs corrections of violations and inconsistencies with fire safety requirements.
· New security systems are designed and installed.
This event is not mandatory, however, only audit allows to reveal inconsistencies, make a plan to eliminate them and get a conclusion on the independent fire risk assessment, required for registration in the Fire inspection.
Fire risk assessment
Can be conducted as a part of independent fire audit
Expert organizations accredited by the Ministry of Emergency Situations
(With the corresponding Certificate of Accreditation)
№ 123-FZ
The Group of Companies “Fire Union” has such accreditation and all other certificates for preparation of this Conclusion.
Important: independent fire risk assessment is the best alternative to the inspection of the state fire supervision.
Now you can choose between quibbles and fines of the state fire supervision, or friendly and professional relationship with the accredited Group of Companies “Fire Union”.
Conduct fire audit with the help of the Group of Companies “Fire Union” and inspectors will forget the way to your organization.
· Dwellings: temporary and permanent
· Cultural, entertainment, educational institutions.
· Organizations associated with servicing.
· Scientific, educational, project and administrative organization.
· Manufactures, warehouses.
Fire audit is also required when servicing and maintenance of fire safety equipment, the development of methods of preventing and extinguishing fires.
«Fire safety declaration –
is an obligatory document»,
filled on the basis of
Articles 6 и 64 of the Federal Law № 123-FZ of 22.07.2008 and
the Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia № 91 of 24.02.2009
The Declaration includes the section "Fire risk assessment that is provided on the object". Fire risk assessment without the prior fire audit is not possible.
The main stages of the fire safety audit:
1. Consideration of the application, entering into the agreement with the Group of Companies “Fire Union”.
2. Formation of the expert group, the approval of the audit program.
3. Collection of the information about the object for compliance with fire safety standards.
4. Identification of possible causes of fire and estimated damage caused by fire.
5. Analysis of Fire Safety Documentation.
6. Fire risk assessment and its compliance with these standards.
7. The Conclusion issue.
If the issue of a positive conclusion is impossible due to inconsistencies of the object (or its part) with fire safety requirements, the experts of the Group of Companies “Fire Union” can:
· adopt a number of special measures aimed at ensuring compliance of the object with fire safety requirements
· take part in the elimination of all the deficiencies.
What are the advantages of conducting fire audit with the help of the experts of the Group of Companies “Fire Union”?
· Upon receiving a positive opinion from the experts of the Group of Companies “Fire Union”, the state fire supervision take off the control of your object for three years.
· You get from the State Fire Supervision of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia the certificate of compliance of the object with mandatory requirements for obtaining the license for your activities.
· You spend little money to eliminate inconsistencies of object with fire safety requirements.
· You stop paying penalties for violation of fire safety requirements.
Note: Fire audit conducted by the experts of the Group of Companies “Fire Union” allows you to minimize the cost of installation and maintenance of fire safety systems and optimize the cost of compulsory insurance.
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