Fire License issued by the Ministry of Emergency Situations is essential for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who are planing to do activities related to fire elimination, installation and maintenance of fire safety systems.
The group of companies "Fire Union" guarantee a professional assistance in getting the license.
The process of obtaining the license
1. Entering into the contract between the Applicant and the group of companies "Fire Union".
2. Collecting the documents required to obtain the license.
3. Verifying if qualification of the applicant's staff complies to existing regulations. If necessary, training or advanced training may take place.
Note. The group of companies "Fire Union" issues a certificate at the end of training or advanced training
4. Checking the applicant`s equipment.
5. Presenting of the documents to the licensing authority.
6. Inserting the applicant's organization in the order, assigning registered numbers and handing out Licenses.
7. license control. The first license control takes place a year after obtaining a license, the second one - after three years. Then it is included in the audit plan, that agrees with the Prosecutor's Office and conforms with existing regulations.
Note. The licensed company is obliged to comply with all applicable regulations, otherwise, its activities will be suspended.
Types of licenses, and the list of works, that are liable to licensing
, there are two types of licenses:
1. Assembling, maintenance and repair of the fire safety equipment installed in the buildings and structures.
2. Fire elimination
The following services are subject to licensing:
1. Installation and configuration of fire extinguishing systems.
2. Commissioning of fire extinguishing systems.
3. Installation and repair of fire alarm systems.
4. Installation and repair of fire fighting water supply systems.
5. Installation and repair of ventilation and smoke removal systems.
6. Installation and repair of alarm systems during the fire.
7. Installation and repair of fire curtains.
8. Repair of fire partitions.
9. The laying, installation and repair of furnaces, fireplaces or other heat-generating units in residential areas.
10. Fire protection of materials and designs.
11. Repair of fire-extinguishing means.
Note. Any organization, conducting the mentioned activities without a license, violates the law.
What documents are required to obtain a license?
A set of documents needed depends on a person, who is going to receive a license. This set of documents includes:
For everyone
1. Application to obtain a license.
2. Making a list of attached documents.
3. Copies of documents confirming that the applicant has all the necessary equipment, tools, technical documentation, technical resources, including measuring devices, belonging to the applicant on the right of ownership or other legal basis and are necessary for the execution of works and provision of services.
For individual entrepreneurs.
Copies of the documents that confirm qualification of the applicant, conducting the licensed activity.
For legal entities
Copies of the documents confirming:
· qualification of the applicant, conducting the licensed activity.
· certified extracts from the documents that confirm the working experience of employees carrying out the licensed activity.
What do you get by applying for a license in the Group of Companies "Fire Union"?
· Complete confidentiality.
· Attentive attitude.
· Support on all stages of obtaining a license and further work.
We are well versed in the specifics of this type of business and ensure quality of our services.
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