Engineering measures for emergency situations and civil defense are a part of a mandatory section of project documentation, required for construction and operation of any potentially dangerous object.
The need of engineering measures for emergency situations and civil defense is governed by:
· SNIP 2.01.51-90 "Engineering and technical measures of civil defense ";
· Federal Law of 29.12.2004 №190-FZ "Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation";
· Federal Law of 21.12.1994 № 68-FZ "On protection of population and territories from emergency situations of natural and man-made disasters"
· Federal Law of 12.02.1998 № 28-FZ «On Civil Defence»; ·
Federal Law of 21.07.1997 № 116-FZ “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities”;
· The Russian Federation Government Resolution of February 16, 2008 №87 "On the structure of sections of design documentation and requirements to their contents".
The group of companies "Fire Union" has all the necessary documents for conducting project designs and develops Engineering measures for emergency situations and civil defense for any object and will help to pass an obligatory examination.
Tasks of the engineering measures for emergency situations and civil defense.
· Ensuring the protection of population and territories from emergency situations.
· Reduction of material damage from emergency situations of man-made and natural character.
· Reduction of material damages from the dangers arising from the conduct of hostilities, sabotage or due to them.
The need to develop Engineering measures for emergency situations and civil defense
is determined by the presence of:
· Civil Defense Category of the object.
· Categories of cities for civil defense (of special importance, 1,2,3), which is the object of construction.
· Categories and groups of civil defense, located near facilities and cities.
· Possible sources of man-made emergencies in the projected facility.
· Possible sources of natural and man-made emergencies in the area of construction.
When designing this section one should take into account the following requirements:
· On the establishment of warning systems, including local warning systems.
· On measures to prevent interference in the activity of potentially dangerous object.
When developing the section on Engineering measures for emergency situations and civil defense, the experts of the group of companies "Fire Union" shall be guided by technical conditions to develop the section on Engineering measures for emergency situations and civil defense and additional requirements to ensure fire safety, which should be taken into account.
Stages of development of Engineering measures for emergency situations and civil defense.
1. Entering into the contract with the group of companies "Fire Union". From that moment all work is done by our experts.
2. Obtaining the source data and requirements in the main Department of EMERCOM of Russia in the Russian Federation. If the projected facility consists of several buildings, then technical specification shall be developed for each protective structure / building.
3. Development of the section.
4. Assistance in passing the examination.
5. Patching, justification of incorrect comments, if any.
6. Delivery of the document to the customer.
In accordance with current regulations, our experts develop Engineering measures for emergency situations and civil defense as a book, which provides design solutions for Engineering measures for emergency situations and civil defense with the necessary justifications and drawings: · Design solutions for civil defense, designed to meet the distribution of the productive forces and settlement of the population groups, cities and categories of objects for civil defense.
· Design solutions for the prevention of emergency situations of man-made and natural character, developed taking into account potential danger to the projected and adjacent facilities, engineering surveys, evaluation of natural conditions and the environment.
· The list of the necessary systems for monitoring and control of engineering systems of buildings and structures, that are developed for the safe operation of hazardous production facilities, especially dangerous, technically complex and unique objects.
The cost of the development section on Engineering measures for emergency situations and civil defense is determined by:
· The technological complexity of the object.
· The complexity and amount of designed objects.
· The quantity of hazardous substances.
· The number of protective structures, fallout shelters, blackout and warning solutions, which can be used in the operation of the designed object.
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